Applications for our 2024 Grant Cycle are now in review!
If you have any questions, please email grantsrma@gmail.com
Our Grants Process
Rocky Mountain Alliance (RMA) Children’s Foundation is a nonprofit, philanthropic organization whose mission is to raise awareness and funds for Denver youth. Each member of the organization spends a tremendous amount of time and energy raising these funds throughout the year, so it is extremely important that this money has the greatest possible impact on the children in our community. When determining your grant request, please note that the average grant from RMA Children’s Foundation typically ranges from $2,000 to $10,000.
To be eligible for an award grant from RMA Children’s Foundation, applicants must meet the following minimum criteria:
The organization must be a certified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization and actively registered as a Charitable Organization with the State of Colorado
The organization’s headquarters must be located in the Denver metro area and main operations primarily in the State of Colorado
The organization is not a re-granting organization or foundation
The grant request must be specifically designated for a program or service that benefits youth under the age of 18
The grant request will not be used for funding any of the following:
a. Religious programs
b. Grants to individuals
c. Capital campaigns
d. Debt reduction
e. Graduate and post-graduate research
f. Endowments
g. Candidates for political office
RMA Children’s Foundation provides grants that most directly relate to the goal of the Foundation: support programs and services which improve the quality of life for youth in the Denver area and throughout Colorado.
2024 APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 21, 2024
Complete RMA Grant Application Form - Click here to start your application
Upload, email or mail the following (3) documents:
Colorado Common Grant Application (CGA) with all attachments
Form 990 for last two fiscal years​
RMA will confirm receipt of your submission, typically within 4-6 weeks of receiving your application. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please contact us
Our Grants Committee will review all applications based on the aforementioned criteria
If we have not recently conducted a site visit, RMA we will arrange for a member to visit your location in the August or September timeframe.
All RMA members will vote on grant recipients in November and grants will be awarded to selected organizations in December
It is the responsibility of the applicant to inform RMA of any changes throughout the process. Failure to do so, which may necessitate check rerouting, will incur cancellation fees being deducted from the awarded funds.
If you have additional questions about the application process, please contact grantsrma@gmail.com
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to improve the lives of youth in the Denver metro community!